Château d'Hélécine 2 Rue Armand Dewolf 1357 Hélécine | 019/65.54.91

Parade vénitienne au Château d’Hélécine

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9 March

The Venice Carnival at the Château d’Hélécine on Sunday March 9, 2025!

Around fifty costumes to dazzle you all day and accompany your children in the grand final parade!

And you, will you come in disguise?

The first family event of 2025 at Château d’Hélécine!

The program and information will follow.


9 March


Château d’Hélécine
Rue Armand Dewolf 2
Hélécine, Brabant wallon 1357 Belgique
+ Google Map
019 65 54 91